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Accountants Put Their Passion on the Web

Edi OsborneAccountants who are members of the Mentor Plus Consulting Accountants RoundTable have formed a group that has established a Web site, www.thepassionateaccountant.com, which is designed to promote the use of social media tools, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

According to Edi Osborne, CEO of Mentor Plus, the group formed after members read Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book “Crush It!” before the group’s quarterly meeting this month and then were ask to voice their impressions about the writing and how it might be utilized in their own businesses Osborn said by the end of the session most were establishing Linkedin profiles, signing up for twitter, writing blog posts and create Facebook pages..

“We had been educating these guys about Social Media for two years. I just decided it was time we lock them in a room and walk them through the process from beginning to end,” says Osborne. “We weren’t going to let them out until they had captured some of their amazing stories on paper.”

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