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IRS Seeks ETAAC Nominations

IrSThe Internal Revenue Services is asking for nominations of individuals to serve on the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee. The three individuals selected will begin three-year terms in September. Applications are being accepted through April 27.


ETAAC serves as a forum for discussion of electronic tax administration issues. Members work closely with the Security Summit, a joint effort of the IRS, state tax administrators and tax industry to fight electronic fraud.


Applicants should have experience in such areas as cybersecurity and information security, tax software development, tax preparation, payroll and tax financial product processing, systems management and improvement, implementation of customer service initiatives and public administration. Representatives of consumer groups are encouraged to apply.

Nominations can be made by letter with self-nominations welcome. Applications should complete the ETAAC application. Applicants should provide a short statement of interest and a resume; describe and document their qualifications, past and current affiliations and dealings with cybersecurity and electronic tax administration. They must also submit a tax check waiver form and undergo an IRS practitioner background check and an FBI criminal background check.

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