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Copanion GruntWorx Trades

Copanion logoGruntWorx Trades automatically transforms trade details on scanned 1099 Consolidated Brokerage Statements into a standard Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by extract the following data from scanned statements that have been submitted via the Internets: quantity, security description, purchase date, sale date, sale amount, purchase amount and gain loss.

The application works in conjunction with GruntWorx Organize or GruntWorx Pro, which identify thousands of tax documents.  Organize or Pro organizes the scanned source documents in a consistent order, bookmarking and labeling them in a single PDF file. Then GruntWorx Trades automatically extracts the information. Trades listed without a cost basis are flagged for review. GruntWorx Trades complies with Section 7216 of the Internal Revenue Code

Price: $5 per 50 trades;  $30, unlimited trades.   Copanion: (800-291-2136),, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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