A review of Mid-market Packages Mean Business means nothing unless you compare QuickBooks Enterprise internal controls or suggest users Google QuickBooks-Add-ons. You cannot legitimately compare QuickBooks Pro or Premier, much less Enterprise, to mid-market packages without mentioning thousands of QuickBooks-Add-ons. 600 current, tested, and professionally and user reviewed ones are at marketplace.Intuit. Now any web app can use any programming language and database to connect to QuickBooks. Even a few of them will let hundreds of simultaneous users batch QuickBooks data. They are the fastest, easiest low-cost way to flexibly add more power, speed and extensive features these QuickBooks versions. They often avoid even needing Enterprise. QuickBooks-add-ons make other packages a terrible waste for all but the largest companies. Many of the largest companies also should use QuickBooks in some places. Census Bureu table 2a, Statistics About Business Size, says only 3,534 firms have more than 2,500 employees. They have 814,372 establishments with 42,855,273 employees (52 employees/establishment), so QuickBooks belongs in many of their establishments. Yes, QuickBooks has a 799 employee limit, but many QuickBooks-add-ons solve that problem. Enterprise also can quickly combine 10 files (99 with QuickBooks-add-ons). Also consider Enterprise 10 or QuickBooks 2010, which can cut large files 50% to increase speed. Finally, can other mid-market packages automate sending any combination of reports, from any combination of files, to any printer, Excel or email, on any schedule(s), for under $100? These are only a few reasons why why QuickBooks has 95% of the small business accounting program market and is terrorizing the mid-market.