Did you know there is a solution to the problem you just outlined. The solution is Accountant-centric accounting system like Accounting relief fro AccountantsWorld. The current model of accounting is client-centric. The accounting software companies have given your clients the center stage. By contrast, the new accounting software is Accountant-centric—it puts YOU center stage and in the driver’s seat. Imagine what miracles this Accountant-centric solution can mean for your practice. • Client errors diminish drastically, because you now control what clients can do based on their needs and accounting skills. You eliminate problems before they happen. You protect clients from themselves! • By customizing the system for each client you make accounting so much easier for your clients that they’ll thank you for it. • How do you get data from your clients’ accounting systems currently? It’s a cumbersome and time-consuming exercise. There are no file transfers in the web-based Accountant-centric system! • You and your clients can work from anywhere, at any time—your office, home, or any location you have an Internet connection. What a convenience! • You or your clients never have to worry about the loss of critical accounting data due to virus attacks or hard disk crashes. • Last but not least, since everything is in real time, you can help clients manage their cash flow and business finances more effectively. That’s what your clients want. That’s why they hired you in the first place! That’s the real value-added advantage that makes you a true business advisor to your clients. Accountant-centric is also client-friendly. Accountant-centric permise is what puts accountants back in the driver's seat so they can spen their time adding value to clients' busoinesses rather than wasting their time cleaning up the bookkeeping mess clients make.