I was wondering what the latest was at Tax Works. Does anyone know if things are better now?? Comments blog is still closed on their website, that can't be good. I was a very satisfied user for many years but was left with no choice except to switch for all the reasons mentioned and then some. Big trial by fire in February converting clients and coping with new software on the fly. Still, I thought it was better than loosing clients because the program was not ready this year (support can't support something that was poorly written and did not function properly), they never told us it was going to be a whole new program to learn, and they gave no consideration to settings and functions for prior users. Don't blame the old group, the company changed ownership last year, now the HR Block heads have control and they ruined the old product and alienated all the good will the company built since 1978. Sort of like changing Classic Coke, except people depending on them this year got the shaft big time. Can't begin to add up the cost in time lost for us thus far. I also feel sorry for the senior employees who stayed on and have to weather this mess. They did issue a prompt refund, and my Sales Rep went above and beyond to try to help when Tech support was unreachable.