Taxworks is experiencing issues but they will get them resolved. Their lively hood is based on this software working correctly and having customers. Their support is busy but they are in business and are trying to help customers. If you look at how this software is designed, when it comes around to the next year, you won't have to install additional software, just click another button and have a 2013 client proformaed. Just give them some time, they are going to correct all the issues but it takes time. Arkworks integration is another item that is being worked on according to their technical support. I hope you'll consider giving them some time and sticking with them. They had similar issues when they converted from DOS to Windows and they made it through that. All software companies have to rewrite/change as Windows support changes. Taxworks is dropping VB6 (which won't be supported in future windows versions) and moving on to Silverlight and other current languages.